You are here: About installing Enterprise Server > Upgrading from previous versions of BlueCielo Publisher or Meridian Explorer > Upgrading Meridian Enterprise 2012 and prior with Publisher 2012

Upgrading Meridian Enterprise 2012 and prior with Publisher 2012

Perform the following task to upgrade:


To upgrade Meridian Enterprise 2012 and prior:

  1. Upgrade Meridian Enterprise 2012 and prior to Meridian Enterprise 2013 SP1 or higher. When selecting the components to install, do not select the BlueCielo Publisher extension components for either the server or client computers, including Publisher computers.
  2. Remove all remaining BlueCielo Publisher extension files (if any) as described in Removing the BlueCielo Publisher extensions.
  3. Verify that all prior BlueCielo Publisher extension files have been removed as described in Verifying the BlueCielo Publisher extensions have been removed.
  4. Uninstall BlueCielo Publisher from the Publisher computers.
  5. Install Meridian Enterprise Server 2013 on the Publisher computers to become a Meridian Enterprise Server primary node and cluster nodes.
  6. Install the Publisher 2013 extension files as described in Installing the BlueCielo Publisher extensions.

Related concepts

Upgrading from previous versions of BlueCielo Publisher or Meridian Explorer